Staff on the move

Friday 12 March, 2021

2020 was a year of change, a year like no other. While it was a stretching year, for many it has brought the opportunity to reflect on our lives and our work, and to consider what the future holds.

This year is bringing some more changes for Mary Andrews College, the theological college of Anglican Deaconess Ministries, with its focus on equipping women to serve Christ faithfully.

This month sees two of the MAC Team moving onto new roles – the MAC Principal Rev. Dr Katy Smith and Assistant Registrar Anna McCarthy.

It was clearly God’s good timing when He brought Katy Smith to the role of MAC Principal right at the start of COVID-19. On the first day that Katy started the ADM staff were sent to work from home by then Acting CEO Maryanne Davis. Katy was given the huge responsibility of moving the MAC classes online, of supporting staff through the changes and moving MAC to a now fully hybrid online learning model that is becoming the benchmark for the Australian College of Theology. Over the last year Katy has brought her incredible range of gifts to strengthen the work of Mary Andrews College, including the development of a new Strategic Plan for the College, and the integration of the Mental Health and Pastoral Care Institute into MAC. She has sharpened the focus of MAC in moving towards becoming a world-class specialist centre in Pastoral Care and Mental Health. Under her leadership Katy has ensured that MAC maintains its reputation for being a theological college focused on both discipleship and pastoral care.

Rev. Jo Gibbs, ADM’s Chief Executive Officer said that Katy’s work has been crucial at MAC. “Katy has brought many strong gifts and a new direction to the work of Mary Andrews College as Principal.  I’m so thankful for her incredible work in bringing the college online during COVID.”


In reflecting on her decision to leave Mary Andrews College, Katy commented, “Over the past year I have been convicted about the need to create space to love Jesus, to love my family, to love my church family, and to love my neighbour. One of my great loves is offering hospitality and welcome to others, and this requires space to build relationships. As I’ve reflected on how to create this space as part of the daily rhythm of life, I have decided to resign from my position of Principal at Mary Andrews College. I will certainly miss interacting with students, staff, and faculty, but I am looking forward to the opportunities that creating more space will afford in the future.”

As she leaves the ADM Team, Katy’s gifts and drive will be missed, and she goes with our support and warm prayers for the future.

ADM has already prayerfully commenced the process towards the appointment of a new Principal for MAC, and is committed to maintaining the ongoing work of the College as a reformed evangelical college with a priority on equipping and encouraging women for gospel-shaped work.  


Over the coming month, we will also be saying farewell to Anna McCarthy who has served as part of our Registry team. We have been grateful for Anna’s warmth, diligence, flexibility, care for others, and the support she has given to students and faculty alike. While she will also be missed, Anna is moving on to another Christian organisation and we are delighted to be able to send Anna into this next stage of her service to Jesus.
