• Anglican Deaconess Ministries (map)
  • Level 1, 464-480 Kent St
  • Sydney NSW 2000
  • Australia

Spotlight Session: Living with the Impact of Childhood Trauma

From The Mental Health & Pastoral Care Institute

Monday, 117 June from 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Join clinical Psychologist Ruth Holt as she delves into living with the impact of childhood trauma.  

What happens when, as a child, your world is not safe and the people you rely on are unable to meet your needs? We are understanding more of the long term impacts of childhood trauma, but the relational templates that are formed have far reaching impacts in our adult lives, our church relationships and our experience of God. This seminar aims to help both survivors and ministry workers understand some of these impacts and ways to build safe and healing relationships in a church setting.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, and are keen to attend this seminar, we have a limited number of tickets available at the reduced price of $10. Please email us at mentalhealthinstitute@mac.edu.au and we will be happy to provide you with a code.

About our Guest Speaker

Ruth Holt is a Clinical Psychologist and Certified Schema Therapist (Supervisor/Trainer) in both Individual and Couples.  Based in Canberra, Ruth works with clients with a focus on complex presentations, recovery from abuse and conducts workshops and training for psychologists  on Schema Therapy, couples therapy, ministry resilience, women's mental health and abuse in relationships.